Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, 11-30-11

 We were "doughnut-detectives"today!
Make sure to ask me how many missing doughnuts there were!

 We had some friends share their color books during
Awesome Author time!

 We did some doughnut math on the SmartBoard today!

During Writers Workshop time, we wrote in our
color journals again.  We are almost done with our
We have done some GREAT inventive spelling!
Wait until you see them!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Traditions and Celebrations

Next week we will begin our discussions
on Holiday Traditions and
Please let us know if you would like to come in and share with the class,
your families traditions and celebrations!
We would LOVE to have you!!!


We did an ice experiment with colored ice cubes.

We first made the colored cubes and then
we mixed the cubes together, by the primary colors,
let then we let them melt and we made secondary colors! 

We began working in our Color Journals today!

Once the ice cubes melted, we put tissue in the cups to see the colors better.
Tomorrow we will look at the tissue and we will notice something amazing!
Make sure to ask me tomorrow what that AMAZING thing is!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope you have a great, happy, safe, 
and loving Thanksgiving!

See you on Monday!

Thank you!!!

Thank you for all the beautiful flowers and cards!

It really made my day!

I had a great day celebrating my birthday!

Monday, November 21, 2011

This week...

Due to our short week,
we will not introduce a new letter/sound.

We will begin, again, with our sounds next week!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and have a safe and happy break!

A & D

Tootsie Turkeys

Last week, we painted everyones foot!
Today, we got to bring home our creations!
 Make sure to check out what we turned our 'foot-paintings' into!

Zero The Hero, 60

We made a Thanksgiving Bracelet for Zero the Hero today!
Along with the bracelet, your child is bringing home an information sheet on 
the meanings of each colored bead.
Make sure to ask me what the bead means!

Thanks, Bryce and mom, for a great Zero the Hero activity!

Color Books, the Writing Station

Last week we introduced Color Books in the Writing Station.
Some of us are just now finishing our Color Books, 
so watch for them to come home for a visit!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Recent activities!

 We watched a video about flags and all their colors!
We are designing our own flags this week in our Creation Station!

 In Spanish, we played a color-matching game on the SmartBoard!

For our Morning Message, we discussed capital letters.
We wrote down our favorite capital letters.
Make sure to ask me what letter we wrote down!

Sharing Turkey Feathers... what we are thankful for!

Star of the Week... Ferial

Monday, November 14, 2011


Color Mixing!
During Station time, one of our stations is 'Meet With The Teacher'
which will usually be an activity that is best done in a small group!
Today, we worked on color mixing at this station.
We mixed lots of different colors together to see what it made!
Everyone will complete one of these sheets by the end of the week.

We have begun a color chain!
We are hoping enough children will make a chain to be able to drape
all around our room!

Today in your child's pouch is a turkey feather!
Please help your child decorate the feather
with things they are thankful for.
They can be decorated with:
anything they would like!

Here is our turkey we will decorate!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Special sound box...

Katie shared her Kitty-Cats!
Great 'double-trouble', Katie!

Happy Birthday, Priya!

It's great to be 5!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ferial!


We added some new color activities to our stations!
Make sure to ask me about the new activities!