Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

We hope you have a wonderful, safe, and happy

See you next year!

Alicia and Deanna

Celebration of Eid!

Beautiful Ridah, showing off her bangles.  

Hanukkah Presentation!

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Birthday, Will!

It's great to be 5!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


 Today we had our Morning Message on the SmartBoard!

 We also kept track of our daily schedule by using the SmartBoard!

 During Spanish, Bryce's mom came in to help Mrs. Robeano...
We made a fun craft!

It was a great day!

Monday, December 12, 2011


We will be sending home your child's bathing suit this week to be washed.
Please send the suit back after break.

We will also be sending home your child's PE shoes home for a size check.

Your child will be bringing their holiday gift home tomorrow from Deanna and myself.
Please wash their tie-dye shirt separately... I would hate for any of your clothes to get 'extra-colorful'!

See you on Thursday for the Holiday Program!

Learning about Kwanzaa

We made a Kwanzaa chain as an extension after reading our Kwanzaa book!

Zero the Hero

Friday, December 9, 2011

Peace Feel Like...

Today students read a story called, What Does Peace Feel Like?. The book was written by elementary students who answered the question using the five senses. We then asked our Busy Bees what does peace look, smell, taste, feel and sound like to them. We recorded the answers and then asked them to decorate a paper dove, a familiar symbol of peace. Your child's answer and doves will be displayed outside our classroom for you to enjoy!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today Pre-K Bee friends learned about Kwanzaa. Students read Karen Katz's book, My First Kwanzaa and created a chain link to represent the seven candles of the African kinara, that represent the seven principles of the holiday.

Thank you to Ridah and Krish's mothers who provided our Zero the Hero craft today.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, 12/7

We worked on a special surprise today...
too special for pictures!

Don't forget that next week,
Thursday the 15th:


AT 2:00pm.

Today we discussed Christmas.
We read a book called 
What is Christmas?
We all had a turn to say what Christmas means
or what Christmas is, before we read
our book.
Make sure to ask me what Christmas means
to me or what I think Christmas is
all about!

If you would still like to come in and
talk to the class about how your
family celebrates the holidays,
please let me know!
We only have 6  more days of
school until 2012!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little Blue and Little Yellow

Make sure to ask me about the story of Little Blue and Little Yellow!

Star of the Week!

Katie J!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Color Day

Tie-Dye Time!

I wore my ORANGE shirt!

We wore RED today! 

We wore PINK today!

 We wore GRAY today!

We wore BLUE today!

We wore WHITE today!

I wore GREEN today!

 The inside of our tie-dye cupcakes!

And then we did an extension activity with 
our own purple crayon and an
extra large piece of paper!