Friday, March 30, 2012

Y Week!

alien creations

discussion on gravity

tasting astronaut ice cream

Yucky Yummy activity

Station Rotaions

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Andrew was very proud of the sentence he wrote using magnetic
letters during free choice time today!
Way to go, Andrew!
(the space shuttle goes to Earth)

One More Story...

Today we introduced 'One More Story' on the computer.
During Station Rotation time, children who are in the Listening Center
will actually be working within One More Story on the computer. 
There is a vast selection of books they may pick from and the story is read to them via the
computer rather than bulky headsets!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Vacation Time!

Have a wonderful, safe and relaxing
Spring Vacation!
We will see you on the 26th!

Alicia and Deanna

Star of the Week, Hannah!

Exciting last day fun things...

 Painting with rollers!

 We had a carpet-picnic, thanks to Jacob and his mom!

 We had a special visitor, Milkweed!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't forget... Rhyme Time due tomorrow!

All Rhyme Time objects are due tomorrow so we can
share them and take pictures of our items for the book we are making!

If you have any questions, please let us know!
(the rhyming objects do not need to begin with the /R/ sound)

Zero The Hero, 120 Days!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Moon Phases and Rockets!

We've been discussing the phases of the moon!
We watched a video on the smartboard and we have begun to graph of the moon phases everyday during calendar time.   

We made our own rocket ships today! 
Make sure to ask me what tools and materials we used to make
our rocket ships!

We also made a rocket out of a balloon!
Make sure to ask me what happens when you let go of the balloon!

Happy Birthday, Craig!

Happy Birthday, Craig!
It's great to be 5!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fun pictures!

Read Across America...

For Read Across America today, we paired up with some
Middle school kids and they read us stories!
We had a great time reading with them.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Keep reading!!!